My week should officially be over. I decided today I am staring my weekend tomorrow. Funny thing is that statement means nothing when you are a stay at home mom. OOOHHHH well.
We had a very busy week.
Last weekend we had dinner with 2 sets of friends. It was so nice to get together meet new people and have great food. As well as be able to clean the house top to bottom.
I can say that I have had 0 motivations to deep clean my house. I have a wonderful schedule that I made for myself, but I don’t follow it. So only the have to clean stuff gets taken care of. But because we had friends over it gave Marshall and I a very good reason to clean and clean well. We also rearranged a room or two. I am always glad for his help. An extra pair of cleaning hands makes the difference. Also I was again banned from using the vacuum when I accidentally sucked the bathroom shower curtain into the hose and then dropped the vacuum on my foot in surprise. The nice thing about cleaning day was that Libby helped clean the entire house she didn’t play with any on the toys but she helped put everything away. It was really a nice thing to see that she is growing up.
Libby was very excited to be able to see Ian and Haley everyday. I forgot what a big job it is to be somewhere dressed, prepped, and already fed for the day and have a 2 year old functioning. But we managed to stay functioning and Libby loved being with Haley. I hope Haley loved being with Libby.
We were able to make it to the temple this week. I am really glad we did. It is always nice to find the time to have spiritual moments. Try to make time before the month is through to make it to the temple you really do benefit from going.
So some of the funny things that were said this week.
As we drove past the cow pastures home Libby says “ eewwee mom the cows have a poopy diaper”
Libby got a book bag from the Springville library and it was about snakes she absolutely loved this book bag. They had fabric snakes that Haley tied together and she played “jumping rope”. And it entertained her for hours.
As we walked to church she says “We need to find 3 blues clues mom” and we couldn’t keep walking until we had pointed to the invisible blues clues. It was pretty funny to watch her.
“Mom this chocolate milk is yucky” and then sniffs it and continues to down the cup until it’s all gone. Silly Libby.
She has spent the week coloring with Haley and has brought home some wonderful pictures for dad. I have to see her imagination going. She got Haley to play the piano. She ran around a bag in the living room singing and dancing and would ask Haley to play the piano “PLEASE”.
I am glad that I have my sewing machine back I have several projects that I have wanted to work on and couldn’t but it is better now and I am glad to have it back.
I promise that I do try to do Libby's hair every day. She would rather have it in her face and down then in a ponytail. So not my child.
I have done really well this week when I spend time with Libby I am making it more quality time and I am focusing more of my undivided attention to her. I have noticed that it makes her act really sweet. I love seeing her happy and it has been a really good learning experience for me.
Check out my recipes page for my Russian chicken recipe. Also check out on Mondays my bountiful baskets meal plan page.
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