Friday, June 29, 2012


Our last leg of the trip was in Philly.  We were there for graduation we were there for 4 days but only really had 1 touring day.  We started out at the center of town.  Caught a tour bus and headed to see the sights.  This was the only time we toured with marshals mom and dad.  We planed on staying on the bus the entire day with them but when we came to the "please touch museum" we changed our minds.  At the end of the day I was very glad we went to the kids museum.  But here are the few touring pictures we had.

all of us on the tour bus!

 Marshall and I started a tradition our first trip we took.  bring home a mug. problem was that mugs are big and breakable. We really hadn't decided what we wanted to collect of our trips until libby saw the "penny machine" that squishes your penny and puts a picture on it.  We officially are collectors of pennies.  we would let her pick and then make her work really hard and turn the wheel.  She loved it.  We now have a book with 9 or 10 pennies.


We were able to squeeze in for a picture with the bell. it was pretty cool to see it up close and personal.  The building that houses it has lots of interesting facts about it.  I love that part the best.

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