Friday, November 19, 2010


Play-do … so I am still pretty hesitant to pull out the play-do. It is a big undertaking but I tried. Here is Libby having a blast playing with the scissor that comes with the play-do.

Well after my canning experience last week I took on Fried chicken…its easy… but our house smelled like yams and fried chicken for several days, sorry Marshall but boy was it a great dinner thanks to Marshall's mom we have a great drenching mixture and I can make a chicken breast for all three of us go for 2 meals or more.

New bed. Well Libby will be getting a new bed at Christmas thanks to Bristy for the info. Deciding on a new bedspread was harder than I thought. I figured she would want a Dora set. NO Dora, No Princess, No woody, buzz. She did not want anything. So off to the fabric store we went to find some material to make one. At the store Again NO to everything. While I was walking down one of the isle she turns and says “mom look butterflies. I want butterflies” so I took it and ran. I have it all put together and waiting for the backing and to be quilted with butterflies in the blocks(next weeks project) but every time she sees it she says “look mom butterflies their beautiful” Yeah her big Christmas present is almost done and I am glad. Speaking of Christmas I am almost done with my Christmas shopping. All I have left is Marshall and Libby. The entire extended family is done. And I was under budget; I found the stuff I wanted on sale yeah!!!


  1. Those fried chicken look so good! yummy!

    Love the quilt, I'm sure Libby will too :)

  2. I can't wait to see the whole bed set put together with that beautiful quilt.
