Well where to start for my week. I am so glad that it is Thursday. I have just felt draggy for awhile and I hope that the warm weather will help me perk up a bit.
I will start with Friday night. We have good friends that are letting us borrow their bike trailer to see how Libby likes it. Well needless to say it was a big hit. I don’t know if it is the wind in her hair or the time spent with dad, or just being away from mom, or just getting to be outside. Maybe it’s all the above. I think that is on Marshall’s list of Have-to-haves. Good thing he has a bike.
I think that Libby is having a hard time focusing her anger on the correct thing. She was in her bed the other morning at 6:30am and I think she was cold but on the monitor all I hear is crying and then she starts to yell at me. “MOM, MOM, MOM… I HATE MY HOUSE” she says this several time before I can get to her and when I open the door her blankets are all twisted up and she was cold. For about a week and a half she is using “I hate…” when she is upset. She hates her mom when she wants to stay and spend time with dad, she hates Haley when we leave the stonehockers because she misses Haley, I hate my house, when she is cold. You get the idea, so I have been working on asking questions to get her to see she still loves those people she just misses them, doesn’t want them to leave. So much fun!?!?!
Mine! Mine! Mine!
2 of our close friends had babies this week. So congrats to them I am glad they are doing well!
both babies are just adorable
Baby Girl Haisley was 7lbs 6 oz born at 12:04 am on April 2, 2011
Baby Boy Taimalie Jimmer 7 lbs 8 oz April 6, 2011 9:01am
Taimalie (Ty-ma-lee-ay)
It means good fortune in Samoan.
We are so glad that both our friends are doing great. They are settling in to being moms of 2. I know are prayers go out to them. I am betting 2 is a big job and I know that they need Libby’s and my prayers because one is a big enough job.
We did take Libby to see baby Jimmer on Wednesday night (thanks for letting us come to the hospital, and bring our munchkin). I have not seen her around a baby in almost a year. She was so sweet. She kept telling me that this was her baby. He was however very much a little brother for someone else. She is just going to have to wait. I held the sleeping baby and Marshall held my little baby and she kept looking at him and saying “I want to be a baby too”. So ever so cutely he held her like an infant and she played like she was a sleeping baby for a good 5 min. It was totally picture worthy and like all the other times I forgot my camera. She did the same game at bedtime and we prayed and kissed her and pretended that she was our little baby and she was pretty cute about it too. And like most little babies she went right to sleep.
Today we went to see baby haisley at their house. They have a daughter that Libby plays with too. So the baby wasn’t as much of a novelty as last night but she still wanted to give the baby lots of kisses. For me it was nice, my child ran around someone else’s house and I got to hold a beautiful baby who did not make a peep the entire time I was there and was awake for 95% of my visit. I am glad that Libby entertained marenn, and moms could talk.
I am always glad when conference comes around. Being in nursery I only get a lesson when I listen to conference. So hearing something that makes you feel good inside is always a great thing. I got to listen to most of conference with a toddler the Lord perks your ears when it is especially for you and your family. I know several talks were made for me or my family members, so (hint, hint, hint) I hope you were listening. We got a call on Sunday morning after the 4-6 inches of snow we had that Marshalls sister had a broken tree in their front yard and they needed help clearing it out. When we got there it was a big job and I felt bad for Bristy. But it put our “work together and serve” into practice. It is always a good feeling to see that your family will always be there to help you out no matter what. And I am glad that Marshall’s family is that way.

My plan is to still open a Spanish fork Bountiful basket site. We are working on ALA but it will be a few more weeks so we are looking at May for 2 possible Spanish fork sites so keep your ears open and I will let you know.
Our adoption plan. It feels like life is something that I can’t have a plan for. Marshall can plan, my parents can plan, Marshall’s parents can plan, but if I plan it all goes awry. So I was planning on trying to go through a private agency to make our situation go a bit faster than it is now but once we saw how much it was going to be. I was sick. There is no way I could come up with another $30,000 to pay the adoption fees. So we are sticking with LDSFS adoption plan. It feels like life is something that I can’t have a plan for. Marshall can plan, my parents can plan, Marshall’s parents can plan, but if I plan it all goes awry. So I was planning on trying to go through a private agency to make our situation go a bit faster than it is now but once we saw how much it was going to be. I was sick. There is no way I could come up with another $30,000 to pay the adoption fees. So we are sticking with LDSFS. It may take a while but we can have family experiences (using money) now rather than wait 6 years before we can afford it.
There is the long and the short of it all.
Hope you have a great week and don’t forget to check out our :
Adoption blog
Recipes page for this weeks great meal idea