Thursday, January 6, 2011

New Bed

Well we gave Libby her big girl bed for Christmas and the transition has gone fairly well except for a few things.

She loves her bed and loves the “butterflies on big girl bed”.

I woke up Tuesday morning I did not hear her on the monitor. So I got dressed, put in my contacts and headed down to get her out of bed. When I got to the bottom of the stairs she had found my purse (the one day in the last 4 months I did not hang it high on a hook) I had luckily taken out the bag of candy bars the night before but she had found the hand sanitizer and emptied the entire bottle. So I reminded her rules of the big girl bed and put her in time out for that and she gladly and happily sat in time out.   Then at lunch I was sitting in the living room read my scriptures and all the sudden a door shuts I look up nad no libby comes my way.  So I go look down the hall Her bedroom door is almost shut but my office door is closed.  When I opened the door to my office the look on her face was like a deer caught in headlights.  so needless to say I am working on ways to keep her in her room.

As a mom, some days, you just want to laugh, cry and scream all at the same time.

p.s. Christmas is on our other blog


  1. Oh no! Libby cracks me up! Good luck with the big girl bed training!

  2. love the new fam pics, libby is a doll and you look so happy! marshall is a good man. liam did well with the bed at first and then it got bad. try either using a baby gate so she can't get out of her room or a child-proof doorknob cover on the inside so she can't open the door. happy new year!
